| Name | Description |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Clone |
Creates a new DetachedQuery that is a deep copy of the current instance.
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CopyParametersFrom |
Clear all existing parameters and copy new parameters from a given origin.
(Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CopyTo | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetExecutableQuery |
Get an executable instance of IQuery, to actually run the query.
(Overrides AbstractDetachedQuery..::..GetExecutableQuery(ISession).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetAnsiString(Int32, String) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetAnsiString(String, String) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetBinary(Int32, array<Byte>[]()[][]) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetBinary(String, array<Byte>[]()[][]) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetBoolean(Int32, Boolean) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetBoolean(String, Boolean) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetByte(Int32, Byte) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetByte(String, Byte) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCacheable | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCacheMode | Override the current session cache mode, just for this query. (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCacheRegion | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCharacter(Int32, Char) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCharacter(String, Char) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetComment | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetDateTime(Int32, DateTime) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetDateTime(String, DateTime) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetDecimal(Int32, Decimal) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetDecimal(String, Decimal) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetDouble(Int32, Double) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetDouble(String, Double) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetEntity(Int32, Object) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetEntity(String, Object) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetEnum(Int32, Enum) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetEnum(String, Enum) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetFetchSize | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetFirstResult | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetFlushMode | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetGuid(Int32, Guid) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetGuid(String, Guid) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetIgnoreUknownNamedParameters | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInt16(Int32, Int16) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInt16(String, Int16) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInt32(Int32, Int32) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInt32(String, Int32) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInt64(Int32, Int64) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInt64(String, Int64) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetLockMode | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetMaxResults | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParameter(Int32, Object) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParameter(String, Object) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParameter(Int32, Object, IType) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParameter(String, Object, IType) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParameterList(String, ICollection) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParameterList(String, ICollection, IType) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetParametersTo | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetProperties | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | SetQueryProperties | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetReadOnly | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetResultTransformer | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetSingle(Int32, Single) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetSingle(String, Single) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetString(Int32, String) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetString(String, String) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetTime(Int32, DateTime) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetTime(String, DateTime) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetTimeout | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetTimestamp(Int32, DateTime) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetTimestamp(String, DateTime) | (Inherited from AbstractDetachedQuery.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |