The types of children to cascade to

Namespace: NHibernate.Engine
Assembly: NHibernate (in NHibernate.dll) Version: (


public enum CascadePoint
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration CascadePoint
Visual C++
public enum class CascadePoint


Member nameValueDescription
AfterInsertBeforeDelete1 A cascade point that occurs just after the insertion of the parent entity and just before deletion
BeforeInsertAfterDelete2 A cascade point that occurs just before the insertion of the parent entity and just after deletion
AfterInsertBeforeDeleteViaCollection3 A cascade point that occurs just after the insertion of the parent entity and just before deletion, inside a collection
AfterUpdate0 A cascade point that occurs just after the update of the parent entity
BeforeFlush0 A cascade point that occurs just before the session is flushed
AfterEvict0 A cascade point that occurs just after eviction of the parent entity from the session cache
BeforeRefresh0 A cascade point that occurs just after locking a transient parent entity into the session cache
AfterLock0 A cascade point that occurs just after locking a transient parent entity into the session cache
BeforeMerge0 A cascade point that occurs just before merging from a transient parent entity into the object in the session cache
IsIn Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression
IsIn Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression
IsBetween Apply a "between" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression

See Also