| Name | Description |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Assemble | (Overrides AbstractType..::..Assemble(Object, ISessionImplementor, Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | BeforeAssemble | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Compare | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | DeepCopy | (Inherited from MutableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | DeepCopyNotNull | (Overrides MutableType..::..DeepCopyNotNull(Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Disassemble | (Overrides AbstractType..::..Disassemble(Object, ISessionImplementor, Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Equals | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | FromBytes | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | FromStringValue | (Overrides NullableType..::..FromStringValue(String).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | FromXMLNode | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | FromXMLString | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get(IDataReader, Int32) | (Overrides NullableType..::..Get(IDataReader, Int32).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get(IDataReader, String) | (Overrides NullableType..::..Get(IDataReader, String).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetColumnSpan | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetHashCode()()()() |
Serves as a hash function for the NullableType,
suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetHashCode(Object, EntityMode) | (Overrides AbstractType..::..GetHashCode(Object, EntityMode).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetHashCode(Object, EntityMode, ISessionFactoryImplementor) | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetSemiResolvedType | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Hydrate |
Retrives an instance of the mapped class, or the identifier of an entity
or collection from a IDataReader.
(Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsDirty(Object, Object, ISessionImplementor) |
Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current
field or element value?
(Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsDirty(Object, Object, array<Boolean>[]()[][], ISessionImplementor) | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsEqual(Object, Object) | (Overrides NullableType..::..IsEqual(Object, Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsEqual(Object, Object, EntityMode) | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsEqual(Object, Object, EntityMode, ISessionFactoryImplementor) | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsModified |
Says whether the value has been modified
(Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsSame | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeGet(IDataReader, String) | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeGet(IDataReader, array<String>[]()[][]) |
Extracts the values of the fields from the DataReader
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeGet(IDataReader, String, ISessionImplementor, Object) |
When implemented by a class, gets an instance of the object
mapped by this IType from the IDataReader.
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeGet(IDataReader, array<String>[]()[][], ISessionImplementor, Object) |
When implemented by a class, gets an instance of the object mapped by
this IType from the IDataReader.
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeSet(IDbCommand, Object, Int32) |
Puts the value from the mapped class into the IDbCommand.
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeSet(IDbCommand, Object, Int32, ISessionImplementor) |
When implemented by a class, puts the value/values from the mapped
class into the IDbCommand.
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | NullSafeSet(IDbCommand, Object, Int32, array<Boolean>[]()[][], ISessionImplementor) | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Replace(Object, Object, ISessionImplementor, Object, IDictionary) | (Inherited from MutableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Replace(Object, Object, ISessionImplementor, Object, IDictionary, ForeignKeyDirection) | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ResolveIdentifier |
Maps identifiers to Entities or Collections.
(Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SemiResolve | (Inherited from AbstractType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Set | (Overrides NullableType..::..Set(IDbCommand, Object, Int32).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetToXMLNode | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SqlTypes |
When implemented by a class, returns the SqlTypes for the columns mapped by this IType.
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToColumnNullness | (Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToLoggableString |
When implemented by a class, a representation of the value to be
embedded in an XML element
(Inherited from NullableType.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToString()()()() | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToString(Object) | (Overrides NullableType..::..ToString(Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToXMLString | (Inherited from NullableType.) |