| Name | Description |
| AddDiscriminatorToInsert | |
| AddDiscriminatorToSelect | |
| AfterInitialize | |
| AfterReassociate | |
| Check | |
| ConcretePropertySelectFragment(String, array<ValueInclusion>[]()[][]) | |
| ConcretePropertySelectFragment(String, AbstractEntityPersister..::..IInclusionChecker) | |
| ConcretePropertySelectFragment(String, array<Boolean>[]()[][]) | |
| ConcretePropertySelectFragmentSansLeadingComma | |
| ConsumesCollectionAlias | |
| ConsumesEntityAlias | |
| CountSubclassProperties | |
| CreateEntityLoader(LockMode) | |
| CreateEntityLoader(LockMode, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, IFilter>)>>)) | |
| CreateFrom | |
| CreateProxy | |
| CreateQueryLoader | |
| CreateSelect | |
| CreateUniqueKeyLoaders | |
| CreateWhereByKey | |
| Dehydrate(Object, array<Object>[]()[][], array<Boolean>[]()[][], array<array<Boolean>[]()[][]>[]()[][], Int32, IDbCommand, ISessionImplementor) | |
| Dehydrate(Object, array<Object>[]()[][], Object, array<Boolean>[]()[][], array<array<Boolean>[]()[][]>[]()[][], Int32, IDbCommand, ISessionImplementor, Int32) | Marshall the fields of a persistent instance to a prepared statement |
| Delete(Object, Object, Object, ISessionImplementor) | |
| Delete(Object, Object, Int32, Object, SqlCommandInfo, ISessionImplementor, array<Object>[]()[][]) |
Perform an SQL DELETE
| Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| FilterFragment(String) | |
| FilterFragment(String, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, IFilter>)>>)) | |
| Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
| FindDirty | |
| FindModified | |
| ForceVersionIncrement | |
| FromJoinFragment | |
| FromTableFragment | |
| GenerateDeleteString | |
| GenerateFilterConditionAlias | |
| GenerateIdentityInsertString | |
| GenerateInsertGeneratedValuesSelectString | |
| GenerateInsertString(Boolean, array<Boolean>[]()[][]) | |
| GenerateInsertString(array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32) | |
| GenerateInsertString(Boolean, array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32) | Generate the SQL that inserts a row |
| GenerateLazySelectString | |
| GenerateLocker | |
| GenerateSelectVersionString |
Generate the SQL that selects the version number by id
| GenerateSnapshotSelectString | |
| GenerateSQLDeleteStrings | |
| GenerateTableAlias | |
| GenerateTableAliasForColumn | |
| GenerateUpdateGeneratedValuesSelectString | |
| GenerateUpdateString(array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32, Boolean) | |
| GenerateUpdateString(array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32, array<Object>[]()[][], Boolean) | Generate the SQL that updates a row by id (and version) |
| GetCascadeStyle | |
| GetConcreteProxyClass | |
| GetCurrentVersion |
Retrieve the version number
| GetDatabaseSnapshot | |
| GetDiscriminatorAlias | |
| GetFetchMode | |
| GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetIdentifier | |
| GetIdentifierAliases | |
| GetInfoString | |
| GetKeyColumns | |
| GetMappedClass | |
| GetNaturalIdentifierSnapshot | |
| GetPropertiesToInsert | |
| GetPropertiesToUpdate |
Transform the array of property indexes to an array of booleans, true when the property is dirty
| GetPropertyAliases | |
| GetPropertyColumnNames(Int32) |
Get the column names for the numbered property of this class
| GetPropertyColumnNames(String) | |
| GetPropertyColumnSpan | |
| GetPropertyIndex | |
| GetPropertyTableName | |
| GetPropertyType | |
| GetPropertyUpdateability | Which properties appear in the SQL update? (Initialized, updateable ones!) |
| GetPropertyValue(Object, Int32, EntityMode) | |
| GetPropertyValue(Object, String, EntityMode) | |
| GetPropertyValues | |
| GetPropertyValuesToInsert | |
| GetRootTableAlias | |
| GetSelectByUniqueKeyString | |
| GetSequentialSelect | |
| GetSQLWhereString | |
| GetSubclassEntityPersister | |
| GetSubclassForDiscriminatorValue | |
| GetSubclassPropertyColumnAliases | |
| GetSubclassPropertyColumnNames(Int32) | |
| GetSubclassPropertyColumnNames(String) | |
| GetSubclassPropertyDeclarer | |
| GetSubclassPropertyName | |
| GetSubclassPropertyTableName | |
| GetSubclassPropertyTableNumber(Int32) | |
| GetSubclassPropertyTableNumber(String) | |
| GetSubclassPropertyType | |
| GetSubclassTableKeyColumns | |
| GetSubclassTableName | |
| GetTableName | |
| GetTuplizer(EntityMode) | |
| GetTuplizer(ISessionImplementor) | |
| GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetVersion | |
| GuessEntityMode | |
| HasUninitializedLazyProperties | |
| Hydrate |
Unmarshall the fields of a persistent instance from a result set,
without resolving associations or collections
| IdentifierSelectFragment | |
| ImplementsLifecycle | |
| ImplementsValidatable | |
| InitializeLazyProperty | |
| InitLockers | |
| InitSubclassPropertyAliasesMap |
Must be called by subclasses, at the end of their constructors
| Insert(array<Object>[]()[][], Object, ISessionImplementor) | |
| Insert(Object, array<Object>[]()[][], Object, ISessionImplementor) | |
| Insert(array<Object>[]()[][], array<Boolean>[]()[][], SqlCommandInfo, Object, ISessionImplementor) |
Perform an SQL INSERT, and then retrieve a generated identifier.
| Insert(Object, array<Object>[]()[][], array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32, SqlCommandInfo, Object, ISessionImplementor) |
Perform an SQL INSERT.
| Instantiate | |
| IsClassOrSuperclassTable | |
| IsDefinedOnSubclass | |
| IsDeleteCallable | |
| IsInsertCallable | |
| IsInstance |
Determines whether the specified entity is an instance of the class
managed by this persister.
| IsInstrumented | |
| IsInverseSubclassTable | |
| IsInverseTable | |
| IsModifiableEntity | |
| IsNullableSubclassTable | |
| IsNullableTable | |
| IsPropertyOfTable | |
| IsSubclassEntityName | |
| IsSubclassPropertyDeferred | |
| IsSubclassPropertyNullable | |
| IsSubclassTableLazy | |
| IsSubclassTableSequentialSelect | |
| IsTableCascadeDeleteEnabled | |
| IsTransient | |
| IsUnsavedVersion | |
| IsUpdateCallable | |
| Load |
Load an instance using the appropriate loader (as determined by GetAppropriateLoader(LockMode, ISessionImplementor) |
| LoadByUniqueKey | |
| Lock | |
| LogStaticSQL | |
| MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| OneToManyFilterFragment | |
| PostConstruct | |
| PostInstantiate | |
| ProcessInsertGeneratedProperties | |
| ProcessUpdateGeneratedProperties | |
| PropertySelectFragment | |
| RenderSelect | |
| ResetIdentifier | |
| SelectFragment(String, String) | |
| SelectFragment(IJoinable, String, String, String, String, Boolean) | |
| SetIdentifier | |
| SetPropertyValue(Object, Int32, Object, EntityMode) | |
| SetPropertyValue(Object, String, Object, EntityMode) | |
| SetPropertyValues | |
| ToColumns(String) | |
| ToColumns(String, Int32) | |
| ToColumns(String, String) | |
| ToIdentifierColumns | |
| ToString | (Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().) |
| ToType | |
| TryToType | |
| Update(Object, array<Object>[]()[][], array<Int32>[]()[][], Boolean, array<Object>[]()[][], Object, Object, Object, ISessionImplementor) | |
| Update(Object, array<Object>[]()[][], array<Object>[]()[][], Object, array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32, Object, Object, SqlCommandInfo, ISessionImplementor) | |
| UpdateOrInsert | Perform an SQL UPDATE or SQL INSERT |
| UseGetGeneratedKeys | |
| UseInsertSelectIdentity | |
| WhereJoinFragment | |