The IRestrictableStatement type exposes the following members.


Public propertyFromClause
Retreives the from-clause in effect for this statement; could be null if the from-clause has not yet been parsed/generated.
Public propertyHasWhereClause
Does this statement tree currently contain a where clause? Returns True if a where-clause is found in the statement tree and that where clause actually defines restrictions; false otherwise.
Public propertyNeedsExecutor
Does this statement require the StatementExecutor? Essentially, at the JDBC level, does this require an executeUpdate()?
(Inherited from IStatement.)
Public propertyStatementType
The main token type representing the type of this statement.
(Inherited from IStatement.)
Public propertyWalker
The "phase 2" walker which generated this statement tree.
(Inherited from IStatement.)
Public propertyWhereClause
Retreives the where-clause defining the restriction(s) in effect for this statement. Note that this will generate a where-clause if one was not found, so caution needs to taken prior to calling this that restrictions will actually exist in the resulting statement tree (otherwise "unexpected end of subtree" errors might occur during rendering).

See Also