The IEntityTuplizer type exposes the following members.


Public methodAfterInitialize
Called just after the entities properties have been initialized.
Public methodCreateProxy
Generates an appropriate proxy representation of this entity for this entity-mode.
Public methodGetIdentifier
Extract the identifier value from the given entity.
Public methodGetPropertyValue(Object, Int32)
Extract the value of a particular property from the given entity.
(Inherited from ITuplizer.)
Public methodGetPropertyValue(Object, String)
Extract the value of a particular property from the given entity.
Public methodGetPropertyValues
Extract the current values contained on the given entity.
(Inherited from ITuplizer.)
Public methodGetPropertyValuesToInsert
Extract the values of the insertable properties of the entity (including backrefs)
Public methodGetVersion
Extract the value of the version property from the given entity.
Public methodHasUninitializedLazyProperties
Does the given entity instance have any currently uninitialized lazy properties?
Public methodInstantiate()()()()
Generate a new, empty entity.
(Inherited from ITuplizer.)
Public methodInstantiate(Object)
Create an entity instance initialized with the given identifier.
Public methodIsInstance
Is the given object considered an instance of the the entity (acconting for entity-mode) managed by this tuplizer.
(Inherited from ITuplizer.)
Public methodResetIdentifier
Inject the given identifier and version into the entity, in order to "roll back" to their original values.
Public methodSetIdentifier
Inject the identifier value into the given entity.
Public methodSetPropertyValue(Object, Int32, Object)
Inject the value of a particular property.
Public methodSetPropertyValue(Object, String, Object)
Inject the value of a particular property.
Public methodSetPropertyValues
Inject the given values into the given entity.
(Inherited from ITuplizer.)


Public propertyConcreteProxyClass
Returns the java class to which generated proxies will be typed.
Public propertyHasProxy
Does this entity, for this mode, present a possibility for proxying?
Public propertyIsInstrumented
Is it an instrumented POCO?
Public propertyIsLifecycleImplementor
Does the class managed by this tuplizer implement the ILifecycle interface.
Public propertyIsValidatableImplementor
Does the class managed by this tuplizer implement the IValidatable interface.
Public propertyMappedClass
Return the pojo class managed by this tuplizer.
(Inherited from ITuplizer.)

See Also