| Name | Description |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | AfterOperation | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | AfterTransactionBegin | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..AfterTransactionBegin(ITransaction).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | AfterTransactionCompletion |
Ensure that the locks are downgraded to None
and that all of the softlocks in the NHibernate.Cache have
been released.
(Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..AfterTransactionCompletion(Boolean, ITransaction).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | BeforeTransactionCompletion | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..BeforeTransactionCompletion(ITransaction).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | BeginTransaction()()()() | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | BestGuessEntityName | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..BestGuessEntityName(Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CancelQuery | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | CheckAndUpdateSessionStatus | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Clear | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Close |
Close the session and release all resources
Remarks |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CloseSessionFromDistributedTransaction | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..CloseSessionFromDistributedTransaction()()()().) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Contains | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | Convert | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCriteria(String) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCriteria(Type) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCriteria(String, String) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCriteria(Type, String) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCriteria<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCriteria<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateFilter | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateMultiCriteria | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateMultiQuery | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateQuery(String) | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateQuery(IQueryExpression) | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateSQLQuery | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..CreateSQLQuery(String).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Delete(Object) |
Delete a persistent object
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Delete(String) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Delete(String, Object) | Delete a persistent object (by explicit entity name) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Delete(String, Object, IType) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Delete(String, array<Object>[]()[][], array<IType>[]()[][]) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Delete(String, Object, Boolean, ISet) | Cascade delete an entity instance |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | DisableFilter | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Disconnect | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Dispose |
Perform a soft (distributed transaction aware) close of the session
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | EnableFilter | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | EnlistInAmbientTransactionIfNeeded | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Enumerable(String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..Enumerable(String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Enumerable<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..Enumerable(String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | EnumerableFilter(Object, String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..EnumerableFilter(Object, String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | EnumerableFilter<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object, String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..EnumerableFilter(Object, String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | ErrorIfClosed | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Evict |
remove any hard references to the entity that are held by the infrastructure
(references held by application or other persistant instances are okay)
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ExecuteNativeUpdate | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ExecuteNativeUpdate(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ExecuteUpdate | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ExecuteUpdate(String, QueryParameters).) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | Finalize |
Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of.
(Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Flush | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..Flush()()()().) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ForceFlush | Force an immediate flush |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get(Type, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get(Type, Object, LockMode) |
Load the data for the object with the specified id into a newly created object
using "for update", if supported. A new key will be assigned to the object.
This should return an existing proxy where appropriate.
If the object does not exist in the database, null is returned.
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Get<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object, LockMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetContextEntityIdentifier |
Get the id value for an object that is actually associated with the session.
This is a bit stricter than GetEntityIdentifierIfNotUnsaved().
(Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GetContextEntityIdentifier(Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetCurrentLockMode | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetEnabledFilter | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetEntityName | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetEntityPersister | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GetEntityPersister(String, Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetEntityUsingInterceptor | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GetEntityUsingInterceptor(EntityKey).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFilterParameterType | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GetFilterParameterType(String).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFilterParameterValue | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GetFilterParameterValue(String).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | GetHQLQueryPlan(String, Boolean) | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | GetHQLQueryPlan(IQueryExpression, Boolean) | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetIdentifier |
Not for internal use
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetNamedQuery | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetNamedSQLQuery | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | GetNativeSQLQueryPlan | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetQueries | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GetQueries(String, Boolean).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetSession | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetSessionImplementation | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GuessEntityName | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..GuessEntityName(Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ImmediateLoad |
Load the data for the object with the specified id into a newly created object.
This is only called when lazily initializing a proxy.
Do NOT return a proxy.
(Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ImmediateLoad(String, Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Initialize | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | InitializeCollection |
called by a collection that wants to initialize itself
(Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..InitializeCollection(IPersistentCollection, Boolean).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Instantiate(String, Object) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..Instantiate(String, Object).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Instantiate(IEntityPersister, Object) |
Give the interceptor an opportunity to override the default instantiation
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | InternalLoad |
Return the object with the specified id or throw exception if no row with that id exists. Defer the load,
return a new proxy or return an existing proxy if possible. Do not check if the object was deleted.
(Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..InternalLoad(String, Object, Boolean, Boolean).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsDirty | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | IsReadOnly |
Is the specified entity (or proxy) read-only?
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(CriteriaImpl) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(CriteriaImpl).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(CriteriaImpl, IList) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(CriteriaImpl, IList).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(IQueryExpression, QueryParameters) | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(String, QueryParameters, IList) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(String, QueryParameters, IList).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(IQueryExpression, QueryParameters, IList) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(IQueryExpression, QueryParameters, IList).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters, IList) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters, IList).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(CriteriaImpl) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(CriteriaImpl).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | List<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..List(NativeSQLQuerySpecification, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ListCustomQuery(ICustomQuery, QueryParameters, IList) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ListCustomQuery(ICustomQuery, QueryParameters, IList).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ListCustomQuery<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(ICustomQuery, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ListCustomQuery<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(ICustomQuery, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ListFilter(Object, String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ListFilter(Object, String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ListFilter<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object, String, QueryParameters) | (Overrides AbstractSessionImpl..::..ListFilter(Object, String, QueryParameters).) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load(Object, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load(Type, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load(String, Object, LockMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load(Type, Object, LockMode) |
Load the data for the object with the specified id into a newly created object
using "for update", if supported. A new key will be assigned to the object.
This should return an existing proxy where appropriate.
If the object does not exist in the database, an exception is thrown.
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Load<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object, LockMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Lock(Object, LockMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Lock(String, Object, LockMode) | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Merge(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Merge(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Merge(String, Object, IDictionary) | Cascade merge an entity instance |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Merge<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(T) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Merge<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String, T) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Persist(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Persist(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Persist(String, Object, IDictionary) | Cascade persist an entity instance |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | PersistOnFlush(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | PersistOnFlush(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | PersistOnFlush(String, Object, IDictionary) | Cascade persist an entity instance during the flush process |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | QueryOver<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | QueryOver<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T>)>>)>)>>)) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | QueryOver<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | QueryOver<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String, Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T>)>>)>)>>)) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Reconnect()()()() | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Reconnect(IDbConnection) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Refresh(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Refresh(Object, LockMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Refresh(Object, IDictionary) | Cascade refresh an entity instance |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Replicate(Object, ReplicationMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Replicate(String, Object, ReplicationMode) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Save(Object) |
Save a transient object. An id is generated, assigned to the object and returned
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Save(Object, Object) |
Save a transient object with a manually assigned ID
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Save(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SaveOrUpdate(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SaveOrUpdate(String, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SaveOrUpdateCopy(Object) | Obsolete. |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SaveOrUpdateCopy(Object, Object) | Obsolete. |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SaveOrUpdateCopy(String, Object, IDictionary) | Obsolete. Cascade copy an entity instance |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetBatchSize | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | SetClosed | (Inherited from AbstractSessionImpl.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetReadOnly |
Change the read-only status of an entity (or proxy).
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Update(Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Update(Object, Object) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Update(String, Object) | |