[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:NHibernate.Tuple"]


Public classDynamicMapInstantiator
Public classEntityModeToTuplizerMapping
Centralizes handling of EntityMode to ITuplizer mappings.
Public classIdentifierProperty
Represents a defined entity identifier property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel.
Public classPocoInstantiator
Defines a POCO-based instantiator for use from the tuplizers.
Public classProperty
Defines the basic contract of a Property within the runtime metamodel.
Public classPropertyFactory
Responsible for generation of runtime metamodel Property representations. Makes distinction between identifier, version, and other (standard) properties.
Public classStandardProperty
Represents a basic property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel.
Public classVersionProperty
Represents a version property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel.


Public interfaceIInstantiator
Contract for implementors responsible for instantiating entity/component instances.
Public interfaceITuplizer
A tuplizer defines the contract for things which know how to manage a particular representation of a piece of data, given that representation's EntityMode (the entity-mode essentially defining which representation).