[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:NHibernate.SqlTypes"]


Public classAnsiStringFixedLengthSqlType
Describes the details of a AnsiStringFixedLength with the information required to to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classAnsiStringSqlType
Describes the details of a AnsiString with the information required to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classBinaryBlobSqlType
Describes the details of a Binary that is stored in a BLOB column with the information required to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classBinarySqlType
Describes the details of a Binary with the information required to to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classSqlType
This is the base class that adds information to the DbType for the IDriver and Dialect to use.
Public classSqlTypeFactory
SqlTypeFactory provides Singleton access to the SqlTypes.
Public classStringClobSqlType
Describes the details of a String that is stored in a CLOB column with the information required to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classStringFixedLengthSqlType
Describes the details of a StringFixedLength with the information required to to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classStringSqlType
Describes the details of a String with the information required to generate an IDbDataParameter.
Public classXmlSqlType