[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:NHibernate.Util"]


Public classADOExceptionReporter
Public classArrayHelper
Helper class that contains common array functions and data structures used through out NHibernate.
Public classAssemblyQualifiedTypeName
Public classCollectionHelper
Public classCollectionHelper..::..EmptyEnumerableClass<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public classCollectionHelper..::..EmptyMapClass<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
A read-only dictionary that is always empty and permits lookup by nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) key.
Public classCollectionPrinter
Utility class implementing ToString for collections. All ToString overloads call element.ToString().
Public classEnumerableExtensions
Public classEqualsHelper
Public classExpressionsHelper
Public classFilterHelper
Public classIdentityMap
An IDictionary where keys are compared by object identity, rather than equals. All external users of this class need to have no knowledge of the IdentityKey - it is all hidden by this class.
Public classIdentitySet
Set implementation that use == instead of equals() as its comparison mechanism that base its implementation of IdentityMap
Public classJoinedEnumerable
Combines multiple objects implementing IEnumerable into one.
Public classJoinedEnumerable<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public classLinkedHashMap<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
A map of objects whose mapping entries are sequenced based on the order in which they were added. This data structure has fast O(1) search time, deletion time, and insertion time
Protected classLinkedHashMap<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>..::..BackwardEnumerator<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Protected classLinkedHashMap<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>..::..Entry
Public classLRUMap
An implementation of a Map which has a maximum size and uses a Least Recently Used algorithm to remove items from the Map when the maximum size is reached and new items are added.
Public classNullableDictionary<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
Public classObjectUtils
Summary description for ObjectUtils.
Public classParserException
Public classPropertiesHelper
Public classReflectHelper
Helper class for Reflection related code.
Public classSafetyEnumerable<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Used to ensure a collection filtering a given IEnumerable by a certain type.
Public classSequencedHashMap
A map of objects whose mapping entries are sequenced based on the order in which they were added. This data structure has fast O(1) search time, deletion time, and insertion time
Public classSerializationHelper
Public classSimpleMRUCache
Cache following a "Most Recently Used" (MRU) algorithm for maintaining a bounded in-memory size; the "Least Recently Used" (LRU) entry is the first available for removal from the cache.
Public classSingletonEnumerable<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public classSoftLimitMRUCache
Cache following a "Most Recently Used" (MRY) algorithm for maintaining a bounded in-memory size; the "Least Recently Used" (LRU) entry is the first available for removal from the cache.
Public classStringHelper
Public classStringTokenizer
A StringTokenizer java like object
Public classThreadSafeDictionary<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
Public classTypeNameParser
Public classUnmodifiableDictionary<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified IDictionary. This method allows modules to provide users with "read-only" access to internal dictionary. Query operations on the returned dictionary "read through" to the specified dictionary, and attempts to modify the returned dictionary, whether direct or via its collection views, result in an NotSupportedException.
Public classWeakEnumerator
Public classWeakHashtable
Public classWeakRefWrapper