[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:NHibernate"]


Public classADOException
Wraps exceptions that occur during ADO.NET calls.
Public classAssertionFailure
Indicates failure of an assertion: a possible bug in NHibernate
Public classCallbackException
Public classConnectionReleaseModeParser
Public classCriteriaTransformer
Transforms Criteria queries
Public classDuplicateMappingException
Public classEmptyInterceptor
Public classEntityModeEqualityComparer
Public classEntityModeHelper
Public classFKUnmatchingColumnsException
Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class
Public classHibernateException
Any exception that occurs in the O-R persistence layer.
Public classIdentityEqualityComparer
Public classInstantiationException
Thrown if Hibernate can't instantiate an entity or component class at runtime.
Public classInvalidProxyTypeException
Thrown when an invalid type is specified as a proxy for a class. The exception is also thrown when a class is specified as lazy, but cannot be used as a proxy for itself.
Public classLazyInitializationException
A problem occurred trying to lazily initialize a collection or proxy (for example the session was closed) or iterate query results.
Public classLockMode
Instances represent a lock mode for a row of a relational database table.
Public classLog4NetLogger
Public classLog4NetLoggerFactory
Public classLoggerProvider
Public classMappingException
An exception that usually occurs at configuration time, rather than runtime, as a result of something screwy in the O-R mappings
Public classNHibernateUtil
Provides access to the full range of NHibernate built-in types. IType instances may be used to bind values to query parameters. Also a factory for new Blobs and Clobs.
Public classNoLoggingInternalLogger
Public classNoLoggingLoggerFactory
Public classNonUniqueObjectException
This exception is thrown when an operation would break session-scoped identity. This occurs if the user tries to associate two different instances of the same class with a particular identifier, in the scope of a single ISession.
Public classNonUniqueResultException
Thrown when the application calls IQuery.UniqueResult() and the query returned more than one result. Unlike all other NHibernate exceptions, this one is recoverable!
Public classObjectDeletedException
Thrown when the user tries to pass a deleted object to the ISession.
Public classObjectNotFoundException
Thrown when ISession.Load() fails to select a row with the given primary key (identifier value). This exception might not be thrown when Load() is called, even if there was no row on the database, because Load() returns a proxy if possible. Applications should use ISession.Get() to test if a row exists in the database.
Public classPersistentObjectException
Thrown when the user passes a persistent instance to a ISession method that expects a transient instance
Public classPropertyAccessException
A problem occurred accessing a property of an instance of a persistent class by reflection
Public classPropertyNotFoundException
Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class
Public classPropertyValueException
Public classQueryException
A problem occurred translating a Hibernate query to SQL due to invalid query syntax, etc.
Public classQueryParameterException
Public classReplicationMode
Represents a replication strategy.
Public classSessionException
Public classStaleObjectStateException
Thrown when a version number check failed, indicating that the ISession contained stale data (when using long transactions with versioning).
Public classStaleStateException
Public classTransactionException
Indicated that a transaction could not be begun, committed, or rolled back
Public classTransientObjectException
Throw when the user passes a transient instance to a ISession method that expects a persistent instance
Public classTypeMismatchException
Used when a user provided type does not match the expected one
Public classUnresolvableObjectException
Thrown when Hibernate could not resolve an object by id, especially when loading an association.
Public classWrongClassException
Thrown when ISession.Load() selects a row with the given primary key (identifier value) but the row's discriminator value specifies a different subclass from the one requested


Public interfaceICriteria
Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing Expression objects.
Public interfaceIDatabinder
Provides XML marshalling for classes registered with a SessionFactory
Public interfaceIDetachedQuery
Interface to create queries in "detached mode" where the NHibernate session is not available. All methods have the same semantics as the corresponding methods of the IQuery interface.
Public interfaceIFilter
Type definition of Filter. Filter defines the user's view into enabled dynamic filters, allowing them to set filter parameter values.
Public interfaceIFutureValue<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public interfaceIInterceptor
Allows user code to inspect and/or change property values before they are written and after they are read from the database
Public interfaceIInternalLogger
Public interfaceILoggerFactory
Public interfaceIMultiCriteria
Combines several queries into a single DB call
Public interfaceIMultiQuery
Combines sevaral queries into a single database call
Public interfaceIQuery
An object-oriented representation of a NHibernate query.
Public interfaceIQueryExpression
Public interfaceIQueryOver
Public interfaceIQueryOver<(Of <(<'TRoot>)>)>
QueryOver<TRoot> is an API for retrieving entities by composing Expression objects expressed using Lambda expression syntax.
Public interfaceIQueryOver<(Of <(<'TRoot, TSubType>)>)>
QueryOver<TRoot,TSubType> is an API for retrieving entities by composing Expression objects expressed using Lambda expression syntax.
Public interfaceISession
The main runtime interface between a .NET application and NHibernate. This is the central API class abstracting the notion of a persistence service.
Public interfaceISessionFactory
Creates ISessions.
Public interfaceISQLQuery
Public interfaceIStatelessSession
A command-oriented API for performing bulk operations against a database.
Public interfaceITransaction
Allows the application to define units of work, while maintaining abstraction from the underlying transaction implementation


Public enumerationCacheMode
Controls how the session interacts with the second-level cache and query cache.
Public enumerationConnectionReleaseMode
Public enumerationEntityMode
Defines the representation modes available for entities.
Public enumerationFetchMode
Represents a fetching strategy.
Public enumerationFlushMode
Represents a flushing strategy.