Controls how the session interacts with the second-level cache and query cache.

Namespace: NHibernate
Assembly: NHibernate (in NHibernate.dll) Version: (


public enum CacheMode
Visual Basic
<SerializableAttribute> _
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration CacheMode
Visual C++
public enum class CacheMode


Member nameValueDescription
Ignore0 The session will never interact with the cache, except to invalidate cache items when updates occur
Put1 The session will never read items from the cache, but will add items to the cache as it reads them from the database.
Get2 The session may read items from the cache, but will not add items, except to invalidate items when updates occur
Normal3 The session may read items from the cache, and add items to the cache
Refresh5 The session will never read items from the cache, but will add items to the cache as it reads them from the database. In this mode, the effect of hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts is bypassed, in order to force a cache refresh
IsIn Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression
IsIn Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression
IsBetween Apply a "between" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression

See Also