The ReflectHelper type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberClassForFullName
Load a System.Type given is't name.
Public methodStatic memberClassForFullNameOrNull
Load a System.Type given is't name.
Public methodStatic memberClassForName
Returns a reference to the Type.
Public methodStatic memberGetCollectionElementType(IEnumerable)
Public methodStatic memberGetCollectionElementType(Type)
Public methodStatic memberGetConstantValue
Returns the value of the static field fieldName of type.
Public methodStatic memberGetConstructor
Finds the constructor that takes the parameters.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultConstructor
Gets the default no arg constructor for the Type.
Public methodStatic memberGetGenericMethodFrom<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Public methodStatic memberGetGetter
Finds the IGetter for the property in the Type.
Public methodStatic memberGetPropertyName
Public methodStatic memberHasProperty
Try to find a property, that can be managed by NHibernate, from a given type.
Public methodStatic memberIsAbstractClass
Determines if the Type is a non creatable class.
Public methodStatic memberIsFinalClass
Public methodStatic memberIsMethodOf
Check if a method is declared in a given Type.
Public methodStatic memberIsPropertyGet
Public methodStatic memberIsPropertySet
Public methodStatic memberOverridesEquals
Determine if the specified Type overrides the implementation of Equals from Object
Public methodStatic memberOverridesGetHashCode
Determine if the specified Type overrides the implementation of GetHashCode from Object
Public methodStatic memberReflectedPropertyClass(String, String, String)
Get the Type for the named property of a type.
Public methodStatic memberReflectedPropertyClass(Type, String, String)
Get the Type for the named property of a type.
Public methodStatic memberReflectedPropertyType
Get the NHibernate IType for the named property of the Type.
Public methodStatic memberTryGetMethod
Try to find a method in a given type.
Public methodStatic memberTryLoadAssembly
Public methodStatic memberTypeFromAssembly(AssemblyQualifiedTypeName, Boolean)
Returns a Type from an already loaded Assembly or an Assembly that is loaded with a partial name.
Public methodStatic memberTypeFromAssembly(String, String, Boolean)
Public methodStatic memberUnwrapTargetInvocationException
Unwraps the supplied TargetInvocationException and returns the inner exception preserving the stack trace.

Extension Methods



Public fieldStatic memberAnyVisibilityInstance

See Also